In a recently released World Health Organization survey on world obesity, the United States of America ranked third with an estimated 66.7% of the population overweight. The only nations to top the US - and they did so by large margins - were the Pacific islands of Kiribati and America's own territory, American Samoa.

So, what is the fattest city in the world's third fattest country? According to a recent Gallup survey, the city of Evansville, Indiana has the most obese metropolitan area in the nation.

Gallup surveyed over 180 areas last year and found 37.8% of the residents in Evansville obese. That is compared to a national average of 26.6% obese citizens (and 66.7% that are just overweight).

Area locals are hoping that the survey results are a wake-up call as the number of clinically obese Evansville residents continues to rise.