Yet another peculiar trend is gaining traction among hip Brooklynite parents: the babyccino. The drink is described as a macchiato-like beverage featuring a shot of decaf expresso topped with steamed milk and froth, according to the Huffington Post. Not ordinarily listed on the menu, a babyccino usually costs around $2.

While some might confuse the current trend's locale with it's origin, The Brooklyn Paper seeks to clear things up with a brief history of the popular new drink. The babyccino was actually invented in Australia a decade ago. However baristas were not as thrilled with the beverage as today's Brooklyn parents.

One Australian coffee expert Paul Caligiore said, They interrupt workflow, create millk wastage and can be served at a dangerous temperature to a vulnerable consumers. Nonetheless, Brooklyn parents do not seem to be letting go of this trend anytime soon.