The Bible says Jesus Christ lugged his crucifix up a hill in Calvary just outside the walls of Jerusalem before the Romans nailed him to the cross to die. But archaeologist Robert Cornuke says the Bible got it wrong.

Cornuke’s research indicates Jesus actually was crucified in the village of Silwan, which is in the Palestinian territory, about 600 feet east of the City of David in the heart of Jerusalem, the London Express reported.

Cornuke, a former police investigator, lays out his case in “Golgotha: Searching for the True Location of Christ’s Crucifixion,” published by Koinonia House.

Publisher Ron Matsen said the book dismisses “emotionally held traditions of the past that may have obscured the pathway to truth and opens the door to a whole new way of finding the Biblical site of the crucifixion.”

Cornuke used witness testimony from the gospels and the discovery of some ancient tombes just east of Jerusalem to make his case..

The whole issue of the resurrection is stirring controversy, the Christian Post reported, with some leading Christian theologians wondering whether it’s smart to emphasize the bodily resurrection of Christ in the effort to reach millennials without insisting on belief in the historic accuracy of the New Testament.

Islamic texts deny the crucifixion took place at all though it was a common form of capital punishment in the ancient world. About Religion said the punishment was mainly reserved for traitors, captive armies, slaves and the worst criminals.

The cross became one of the signature symbols of Christianity as a result of Christ’s death. The Bible outlines Christ’s last hours, beginning with the Last Supper, his arrest and condemnation by religious leaders. The next day, he stood trial before Pontius Pilate and then was sent to Herod before returning to Pilate to be sentenced to death for sedition.

He then began the walk with the cross as people hurled insults at him. As he hanged from the cross, the Bible says the sky turned dark for three hours, and once he was dead, the Bible says an earthquake shook the area.