Canadian authorities arrested two men Monday on terrorism-related charges after the Royal Canadian Mounted Police disrupted plans to attack a commuter train.

Chiheb Esseghaier of Montreal and Raed Jaser of Toronto were arrested on a number of charges, including conspiring to carry out an attack against, and conspiring to murder persons unknown to the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with a terrorist group, according to a statement from the RCMP.

Esseghaier and Jaser allegedly were working with al-Qaeda on the plot to blow up the train, the New York Times reported.

The FBI worked with the RCMP on the investigation, nicknamed Project SMOOTH. Canadian authorities said the plot was disrupted “early.

“While the RCMP believed that these individuals had the capacity and the intent to carry out these criminal acts, there was no imminent threat to the general public, rail employees, train passengers, or infrastructure,” the statement read.

James Malizia, assistant commissioner of federal policing operations for the RCMP, said arrests of terrorists “illustrated our strong resolve to root out terrorist threats to keep Canadians and our allies safe.

“A meaningful response to these threats begins on Canadian streets and in Canadians homes and the RCMP works with all their partners, including communities across Canada, in the fight against terrorism,” he added.

The plot is not believed to be related to last week’s bombings at the Boston Marathon that killed three people and injured more than 170 others.