Casey Anthony sits during a break during her murder trial at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando
Casey Anthony sits during a break during her murder trial at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando, Florida, June 9, 2011. Casey Anthony's first-degree murder trial adjourned 90 minutes early on Thursday after she became ill during testimony about her 2-year-old daughter Caylee's skull being found in a wooded area. REUTERS

Casey Anthony murder trial is scheduled for a half-day of testimony on Wednesday, the day 25 since the trial began on May 24 at the Orange County Courthouse, where Judge Belvin Perry presides.

Charged with first-degree murder of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee Marie Anthony, whose body was found in November 2008, Casey Anthony has maintained her innocence of all charges.

Prosecutors are now investigating whether Casey's claims that Caylee drowned were stolen from another inmate. Casey's lead attorney Jose Baez claimed in opening statements on May 24 that Caylee drowned in the family swimming pool and Casey's father George Anthony found her lifeless body and covered up the death.

On Tuesday, prosecutors said that April Whalen, who briefly shared the jail dorm as Casey in the Orange County Jail, had a child who drowned in its family's pool. Casey may have heard about her fellow inmates' tragedy and placed her own daughter into the story, the state suspects. I received all the information yesterday. The name of the witness is April Whalen, apparently her child died in a swimming pool and was found by the child's' grandfather, stated prosecutor Linda Drane-Burdick.

The prosecution believes that Whelan may not have told Casey her child's story, but Casey may have heard it from other prisoners.

Two expert witnesses testified on Tuesday.

A forensic botanist Jan Bock testified that Caylee's corpse might have been in the wooded area no less than two weeks before it was found, according to the leaf litter at that time. In the earlier deposition, Bock had said it was impossible to tell. The newly proposed duration of two weeks is a much shorter time period than prosecutors allege.

Another expert witness, Dr. Richard Eichlenbloom, who conducted tests on the duct tape found near Caylee's skull, testified that he found no DNA trace on the tape.

On Wednesday, a number of forensic experts are expected to take the stand in the trial, and the testimony will last until lunch time. The court day will be cut short due to Judge Perry's attendance at a budget meeting.

In the afternoon, the defense will take the deposition of Vasco Thompson who is convicted of kidnapping.

George Anthony, Casey's father, allegedly called a number currently used by Thompson while Caylee was missing, according to Casey Anthony's defense attorneys. Thompson said his current phone number was obtained after February 2009, and denied the defense's claims.

The prosecution claims Casey murdered her daughter by suffocation and kept the corpse several days, then dumped the body in the woods near her parents' home.

Casey Anthony could face death penalty if she is found guilty of murdering her daughter.