Casey Anthony
Casey Anthony Reuters

In one of the most widely followed and publicized controversial verdicts in American history, the officials have stated that they will not be providing Casey Anthony with heightened protection after her release on Sunday.

Sheriff Jerry Demings explained: We will not be providing any elaborate security protection for Casey once she leaves [the jail], reported Christianpost.

Even though Anthony will not be provided with any heightened security, officials have assured to do everything possible to ensure Anthony will not be a victim of individual civil injustice.

Sheriff Demings' office is coordinating with the county jail to ensure a smooth release of Anthony. He said, Anthony will be receiving the same protection like every citizen is promised.

Anthony's acquittal from the charges of murder of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee has resulted in an outraged public reaction with hundreds of death threats being sent to Anthony via Twitter and Facebook.

Officials have issued a warning to anyone thinking about trying to take justice into their own hands, said the report.