Jeff Fager, CBS News Chairman, reacted to Lance Armstrong's statements against 60 Minutes and issued an open invitation for Armstong to come on the show.

If he never did anything, fine, come on 60 Minutes and tell us, Fager said. It's unfortunate they won't do an interview with us.

Fager strongly defended a 60 Minutes special that will air Sunday featuring former teammate Tyler Hamilton alleging the usage of EPO - a blood boosting steroid - by Armstrong, the seven-time Tour de France champion and cancer-survivor.

We have been so thorough and fair to Lance Armstrong, Fager said. We have shared with them every single allegation in our story.

Armstrong has vehemently denied the allegations and gone on the offensive against CBS and 60 Minutes.

Said Mark Fabiani, an Armstrong spokesman, Hamilton just duped the CBS Evening News, 60 Minutes and Scott Pelley all in one fell swoop.

Fager responded to Fabiani's comments saying, This is a PR game. Our reporters have done a first-class job.

The 60 minutes piece which will air on Sunday, features former Olympic champion Tyler Hamilton, who admits his own doping and accuses Armstrong.

I saw (EPO) in his refrigerator. I saw him inject it more than one time, like we all did, like I did many, many times, says Hamilton.

In addition, CBS released an article on their website today describing testimony by another former Armstrong teammate, George Hincapie. Hincapie denied speaking to CBS on the aritlce that states that Hincapie told federal authorities they used banned substances and saw Armstrong use them as well.