When Consi Taylor went to take a bite out of a banana she recently bought, she had no idea she would be exposing her home to one of the world’s deadliest spiders.

The 29-year-old British woman thought the white spots on the banana she was eating was mold. It was only on closer inspection that she saw the fruit teeming with spiders, The Sun reports.

“They were hatching out on the table, scurrying around on my carpet. I was so scared I started crying," Taylor said.

At first, Taylor took the fair trade Colombian bananas to the grocery store for a £10 ($16) refund. But when she returned home, the spiders wouldn’t leave. Pest control specialists told her the spiders were Brazilian wandering spiders -- an arachnid famous for their toxic venom that have a tendency to hide in bunches of bananas sorted after shipment.

Taylor, her husband and two children, ages three and four-months-old, were forced to leave their home for three days while it was fumigated. The extermination combined with dry-cleaning their clothes racked up a bill of $1,600 that the grocery store paid for.

This isn’t the first time Brazilian wandering spiders have made their way into consumers’ hands. In 2009, the deadly spiders were found in the produce section of a Whole Foods store in Tulsa, Okla.

The spider, which was given to University of Tulsa animal facilities director Terry Childs, told NewsOn6 the employee who found that spider was lucky to be alive.

"The venom starts to break the prey down on the inside and then she slurps it out kind of like a smoothie," Childs said. "Within minutes you will have breathing problems, you'll start to lose control of your muscles, you'll start to drool and within 20 to 25 minutes you'll probably collapse on the floor and die of asphyxiation."

In London, Taylor said she remains scarred from the incident.

“I hope I didn't eat one but I can't be sure," Taylor said. "I now have a phobia of buying bananas. We don't know whether they've all gone."