Avatar, the sci-fi movie created by director James Cameron (Terminator, Titanic) who promised it would fill your eyes and fill your vision with all sorts of amazing things that you haven't seen before, hits theaters in the U.S. today.

The film is about Pandora, the moon of another planet which is 6 years away from the earth in the story. Its aliens look very advanced in ways that humans aren't and a romance is also in the story.

So far the movie has gained 82 percent of positive reviews, according to Rottentomatoes.com. Below is a selection of reviews from top-ranked critics in the site and the movie trailer:

The King of the World sets his sights on creating another world entirely in Avatar, and it's very much a place worth visiting.

-Todd McCarthy, Variety

It's an impossible but completely plausible and seductive world that invites your total immersion. Don't resist it; sink in and fly with it. All Cameron asks is that you open your eyes.

-Richard Corliss , Time Magazine

There is still at least one man in Hollywood who knows how to spend $250 million, or was it $300 million, wisely.

-Roger Ebert , Chicago Sun Times

Mr. Cameron's singular vision has upped the ante for filmed entertainment, and given us a travelogue unlike any other. I wouldn't want to live on Pandora, mainly because of the bad air, but I'm glad to have paid it a visit.

- Joe Morgenstern, Wall Street Journal

This is the most technically amazing motion picture to have arrived on screens in many years.

-James Berardinelli, ReelViews

Whatever way you choose to look at it, Avatar's shock and awe demand to be seen. You've never experienced anything like it, and neither has anyone else.

-Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times

The screen is alive with more action and the soundtrack pops with more robust music than any dozen sci-fi shoot-'em-ups you care to mention.

-Kirk Honeycutt from the Hollywood Reporter

Watch Avatar Trailer below: