G8 summit concludes with climate change agreement reached
The G8 summit in L'Aquila, Italy, concluded on Friday with major economies agreeing to limit global warming to 2 Degrees Celsius and an 80 percent reduction of overall emissions by 2050. Still, India and China along with other developing countries did not sign to meet that goal by 2050.

U.S. deploys funds for energy efficiency, weatherization
The U.S. Energy Department announced on Friday it will provide more than $448 million in Recovery Act funding to expand weatherization programs in thirteen states, and more than $141 million to support energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in six states.

Continental Automotive awarded for lithium-ion batteries
Continental Automotive, the maker of the lithium-ion battery that powers Mercedes Benz' hybrid S400 was given the Intelligence for Traffic and Logistics award by the Center for Transportation & Logistics Neuer e.V. in Germany, for its series production of batteries.