A man holds an iPad displaying a photo of Steve Jobs during a 'Steve Jobs Day' memorial day event in Manila
A man holds an iPad displaying a photo of Steve Jobs during a 'Steve Jobs Day' memorial day event in Manila October 14, 2011. Jobs, counted among the greatest American CEOs of his generation, died on October 5, 2011 at the age of 56, after a years-long and highly public battle with cancer and other health issues. REUTERS/Romeo Ranoco REUTERS/Romeo Ranoco

The biggest mystery involving an otherwise modest Steve Jobs, who lived in a very simple house in Palo Alto, California with an open driveway and kids often visiting during Halloween and was comfortable in his black turtleneck, blue jeans and new balance sneakers, was why his renowned silver Mercedes SL55 AMG never had a license plate.

Jobs, who was also known for parking his car in the handicapped slot in the parking lot, drove the silver Mercedes without putting up a license plate. So how did the man, who altered the world with his genius, got away every time he drove around? Here's the answer.

ITWire spoke to a former senior security official at Apple, Jon Callas, about how Jobs managed to get away every time with a blank number plate.

Steve (or someone close to him) spotted a loophole in the California vehicle laws. Anyone with a brand new car had a maximum of six months to affix the issued number plate to the vehicle. So Jobs made an arrangement with the leasing company; he would always change cars during the sixth month of the lease, exchanging one silver Mercedes SL55 AMG for another identical one. At no time would he ever be in a car as old as six months; and thus there was no legal requirement to have the number plates fitted, said Callas.

One might also assume that the leasing company was happy - they had an endless supply of luxury cars to on-sell with the previous driver being none-other that Steve Jobs. That would be a win-win-win situation for Steve, the leasing company and for the subsequent buyer, he added.