Apple TV in the works, Jobs cracked the code
News of an Apple TV project has been circulating for months but interest has been revived following the release of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs’ biography where he told biographer Walter Isaacson that he had “finally cracked” the code for building an integrated TV set that could sync with other Apple devices. REUTERS

Is Steve Jobs a visionary and a creative genius, who had created the Apple empire and had radically changed the way people use technology in their daily lives, or is he a deceptive person with questionable moral character, drug-taking problem, someone who had abandoned his illegitimate daughter, and had distorted reality? A 191-page FBI file about Jobs, which had been compiled in 1991, and released Thursday, gives you the answer.

The file was a part of a 1991 background check of Jobs, who was in the running for the President’s Export Council under President George H.W. Bush. After interviewing Jobs' friends, neighbors, employees and colleagues, the FBI recorded many details about Jobs, one of the most secretive figures in the U.S.

After a person is dead, his FBI records can be made public. After the media demanded that Jobs' file be made public under the Freedom of Information Act, the law enforcement agency released Jobs' files Thursday.

According to the record, Jobs had distorted the reality to achieve his goals, taken marijuana and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), had strained relationship with his ex-girlfriend, who gave birth to a illegitimate daughter. And, he had even abandoned his daughter before. More interestingly, Jobs was also a victim of a bomb threat.

Bloomberg reported one interviewee as saying that Jobs was deceptive. However, the person still recommended Jobs to do the government work, for he possesses the qualities to assume a high level political position.

Honesty and integrity are not required qualities to hold such a position, the person thought.

Moreover, several individuals questioned Mr. Jobs' honesty stating that Mr. Jobs will twist the truth and distort reality in order to achieve his goals, the FBI record read.

According to Robert Holzweiss, a researcher at the George Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas, Jobs had worked at the President's Export Council from May 24, 1990 to January 1993.

In 1985, Jobs was driven out of Apple by then-Chief Executive Officer John Sculley. When FBI asked the reason, Jobs chose the option - under unfavorable circumstances.

The file also revealed that Jobs was also the victim of an extortion attempt. In 1985, Jobs received a bomb threat, claiming the bombs had been put in the homes of Jobs and others and demanded $1 million. Nevertheless, the investigation didn't find out where bombs and the suspect was located.

The interviewees also had conflicting views of Jobs. For instance, one previous Apple colleague questioned his moral character after not being awarded stock in the company, whereas another one said Jobs had high moral character and integrity.

Two anonymous persons told FBI that Jobs was strong-willed, stubborn, hardworking and driven, which they believe is why he is successful. They also acknowledged that Jobs possesses integrity as long as he gets his way, without elaborating.

One woman said she even didn't want to talk about Jobs with the FBI, for she had questions concerning his ethics and his morality. Moreover, she ascribed to Jobs as narcissism and shallowness. Nevertheless, she also said Jobs is a visionary and charismatic individual.

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