A woman uses her Apple iPhone 4 smartphone on a street in Seoul
A study, “Let My Fingers Do the Talking: Sexting and Infidelity in Cyberspace,” by Dr. Diane Kholos Wysocki and Cheryl D. Childers, “Sexuality and Culture,” found that roughly two-thirds of the women surveyed were more likely to send nude photographs or sexually explicit text messages than about half the men surveyed. REUTERS

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed to monitor certain medical apps in mobile phones to ensure that it’s safe for the users.

With the increase in the usage of smartphones, it is not surprising that it comes equipped with health related apps that can count people’s calories and monitor their weight.

FDA has forwarded a draft proposal to cover specific type of mobile medical apps. One would be an app used as an accessory to a medical device that is already regulated by the agency. With the in-built camera in the smartphones it will be easy to diagnose by viewing an image from the picture archiving and communication system in the device.

The other type would include apps that turn a smartphone or other mobile device into a regulated medical device through the use of certain attachments or sensors.

The FDA is encouraging the development of such apps and wants interested parties, including software creators to comment on the proposals within the next 90 days.