Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is a man who never fails to surprise and is quite capable of adding spice to otherwise dry diplomatic visits.

Whether it's his entourage of virgin-only bodyguards, who add beauty to vigilance in his international visits, or his affiliation with Ukrainian nurses -- Gaddafi surely offers sufficient fodder to keep the media abuzz.

Another piece which can be added to his theatrics is his unusual sense of dressing. His dress style is punctuated with flowing robes, aviator glasses and army uniforms arrayed with military decorations and epaulets.

In an interview with Newsweek, Gaddafi's former 24-year-old Ukrainian nurse Oksana Balinskaya revealed Gaddafi's penchant for dressing. She states that Gaddafi is extremely obsessive about his outfits, to the extent that while his guests would be waiting for him, he would go back to his room and change his clothes again, mostly in his favorite white suit.

However, white is not the only color that the Libyan leader adorns in his international visit but is often seen in shades of loud colors - purple and green - adding color to otherwise monotonous diplomatic meetings.

Here is a slideshow which depicts Gaddafi's dressing style, flowing robes, dazzling colors, military uniforms with epaulets and decorations and aviator glasses.