Google released Google Analytics Real-Time, a tool which offers you an instant look on the active amount of visitors to specific Web sites, on Thursday.

The tool is vastly improves Google Analytics--until now, it lagged at least an hour or so before most data would show, and lagged for a whole day before one could get full data reporting.

According to John Jersin, who announced the new feature on the Google Analytics blog, real-time updates should open a world of opportunities for site owners.

Content creators, for example, can measure the immediate effects of social media, which is one of the prime drivers of traffic nowadays.

Google also introduced Google Analytics Premium, its first paid tool for larger websites. While Google's real-time tool tops out its data collection at 10 million website visitors per month, its new paid premium plan offers more data collection, additional modeling tools and service support.

Google Analytics Premium, according to, will cost those who subscribe to it $150,000 a year.