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Googlers have discovered a new Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) Easter Egg planted by the Mountain View, Calif. search engine to entertain the masses.

When a user does a Google search for "blink html," every instance of the words "blink" and "html" on the resulting Google search results page will flash in and out. The same effect will happen when users search for "blink tag."

The Google Easter Egg is a nod to the "" html element that caused the same effect to text. Modern web browsers do not support the tag, and the feature has effectively been removed from the Internet.

"Though some browsers may still support [blink], it is in the process of being dropped," the Mozilla Developer Network explains. "Do not use it in old or new projects. Pages or Web apps using may break at any time."

It appears someone at Google had a soft spot for blink, and wasn't quite ready to let it go.