China Mobile (Hong Kong) Ltd., the largest mobile telephone provider in China, announced on Thursday that they and Google Inc. have been working together to bring internet search capabilities to China.

China Mobile, with over 250 million subscribers and growing at a rate of over 4 million a month, is currently the largest cell phone company in the world. If talks are successful, the move will expand Google's reach even farther away from the computer desktop.

Google Inc, the internet search and advertising giant, has recently been extending its services away from the desktop to provide services for mobile devices.

The tech giant also announced that it is working with KDDI, Japan's second largest cell phone provider, to provide search and services to the company by the end of July. KDDI has mover 22 million subscribers.

The search service is also currently available in the United States to any user who can send a text message.

Google went up 0.83 percent on the Nasdaq to $377.59 by mid-day trading while China Mobile was up 1.25 percent to $27.6.