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Google will now index Facebook, Disqus and other third-party comments posted on blogs and websites. The comments will be searchable and affect the SEO of the site just like the regular content of the page. Reuters

Google's mysterious search algorithm appears to be suggesting U.S. presidential contender Mitt Romney has a poor chance of winning the 2012 election.

If you type Romney (i.e., with a space after the last letter) in the Google search box, you will get the suggestion, Romney can't win.

And if you types the phrase Romney can win, the spell-checker responds with the message, Did you mean: Romney can't win?

Google often provides the opposite of a search and provides the most-searched query suggestions for searches.

As of now, the former Massachusetts governor is the only candidate to suffer from the search-engine glitch. Romney has consistently come near the top of polls, but has been unable to establish himself as a clear front-runner.