Typically the term "ghosting" is used when dealing with romantic relationships, but Lindsay Lohan just proved it can translate into the business world too.

According to Ramy Youssef, the series creator and star of the Hulu series "Ramy," the 33-year-old actress was booked to appear on Season 2 of the show and then she went radio silent or ghosted, which dictionary.com defines as the practice of suddenly ending all contact with a person without explanation, especially in a romantic relationship.

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, he shared the role "The Parent Trap" alum was cast in and how things went awry.

"...We were interested in this idea of people that you don't really think are Muslim," he began. "We actually cast Lindsay Lohan, because Lindsay had this whole thing about converting to Islam. And so we had cast Lindsay and I talked to her and she was down, and then, you know, like Lindsay does, we just kind of stopped hearing from her."


season 2

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"I was trying to get ahold of her and she was on the call sheet, and I guess she couldn't make it. I don't know, I never heard from her," the comedian added. "You can't try and put Lindsay in a box, that's what I know. Lindsay is going to be Lindsay."

Despite standing him up, Yousseff is still open to having Lohan pop in on Season 3.

"She is one of my favorite Muslims," he said.

Season 1 of "Ramy" was introduced on Hulu in April 2019 and is based on the real-life experiences of Youssef. The streaming platform describes the series as the story of "a first-generation Egyptian-American who is on a spiritual journey in his politically divided New Jersey neighborhood" that "explores the challenges of what it’s like being caught between a Muslim community that thinks life is a moral test, and a millennial generation that thinks life has no consequences."

Season 2 of "Ramy" hits Hulu on Friday.

Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan attends MTV's "Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club" premiere party on Jan. 7, 2019, in New York City. Getty Images/Cindy Ord