Hackers like Pod2g, MuscleNerd, Planetbeing, P0sixninja and Saurik are working together for a jailbreak for A5 devices.

They have successfully gotten out of the sandbox. The news comes from Planetbeing who recently tweeted, for the first time in nearly two years, to alert the Jailbreaking community of this achievement.

He tweeted: And we're out of the sandbox with @saurik's invaluable help! (well, at least there's a PoC) :D Turning out more complex than X-Gold 618.

An interesting detail mentioned by Planetbeing is that getting out of sandbox turned out to be more complex than exploiting the iPhone 4/iPad 2 baseband X-Gold 618. When the iPhone 4 was released, the DevTeam, while checking through the device noticed the baseband was running on a completely different OS than on previous models. The iPhone 3G and 3GS both ran Nucleus OS on the PMB8878 baseband CPU (aka XGold 608), whereas the iPhone 2G ran the PMB8876 (aka S-Gold 2). The iPhone 4 uses the PMB9800 or X-Gold 618. This was a complicated problem for the hackers. However, it appears the present Sandbox problem was more intricate than the X-Gold 618 issue.

A sandbox refers to running code in a restricted security environment to limit the access permissions granted to the code. It was due to these sandbox errors that Pod2G needed help from additional hackers to make progress in the iOS 5.0.1 untethered Jailbreak for iPhone 4S and iPad 2.

While overcoming the sandbox difficulty is some great news there is unfortunately no ETA on the release of the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 untethered jailbreak.