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The New Year has begun on a frustrating note for many Apple iPhone users as they are forced to deal with another alarm glitch, for the second time in two months. The company has also confirmed the iOS bug that causes one off alarms to not function properly on iPhone and iPod touch devices.

On Jan. 1, 2011, Twitter was set abuzz with angry users, who overslept an hour and were late for work or other commitments as the alarm on iPhone failed to go off.

My iPhone's alarm isn't working, I came late today and yesterday because of it complained one Twitter user, Mohammed Alsharief (Meghterb).

Sarah Coldheart (sarahcoldheart) posted, Wow, so many afflicted with the iphone alarm bug. ....... I use a NOKIA. Ha.

Ticked off Apple users continue to flood the microblogging site over the glitch as Apple has not only acknowledged the bug but also stated that the issue will remain even on Jan. 2.

However, the good news is that the company has promised that the error will correct itself by Jan. 3.

We're aware of an issue related to non-repeating alarms set for January 1 or 2. Customers can set recurring alarms for those dates and all alarms will work properly beginning January 3, an Apple statement is quoted as saying in several media reports.

Those who have no other option but to rely on their iPhones for the wake up call have been advised to set a recurring alarm. Another option would be to download an app. Mashable recommends the $0.99 Best Alarm Clock, which comes with a range of sound options, from iPod music to a single vibration. Prescribing a simple fix, CNET said, all you need to do is delete your saved alarms and set new ones.

I have set my iPhone alarm the new way, and downloaded a 3rd party app as a back up, and my dad is my back up, back up! tweeted Lara Moujaes (lmoujaes), one among the thousands trying to working around the glitch.

This is not the first time that Apple users were forced to confront an alarm issue. In November 2010, a similar bug was reported when iOS clock failed to correctly adjust for Daylight Savings, leading to alarms going off an hour late.

The first alarm glitch came at a time with the company was knee-deep in trouble due to its reception problems and a glitch which allowed people to access the iPhone without knowing the security keycode.

Even back then, Twitter and other internet forums were flooded with complaints.

I can't believe Apple can't even get something as basic as an alarm clock right. I woke up late and my boss was not happy when I got in, and I'm sure the same thing happened to thousands of people, said a 26-year-old from London, James Oakley.

The glitch also evoked some humourous responses.

Daddy, do you remember where you were during the great iPhone alarm calamity of 2010?' 'No son, I was asleep', posted Garrettc.

An 83-year-old, identified as Siobhan, remarked, Ben's iPhone alarm didn't go off this (Tuesday) morning, used it as an opportunity to tell him younger, newer models aren't always the better option.