A new partnership between Lady Gaga and Zynga will result in launching of GagaVille, a new playable world within a popular Facebook game, FarmVille.

Zynga, the San Francisco based developer of popular online games, have used his games to promote other musicians before. FarmVille attracts approximately 46 million users per months, rising as one of the most popular games in Facebook.

May 17 is the scheduled date of the launch of GagaVille, and the players will have a chance for an early streaming access to Lady Gaga's new album, Born This Way, whose official release date is not until May 23. An additional $25 game card will enable free download of the entire album. Other giveaway events are also planned by Zynga.

The game is to showcase Lady Gaga's style and themes from the album and videos... think crystals, unicorns, sheep on motorcycles, said Zynga in a press release.