Mao Sugiyama of Tokyo cooked his penis, testes and scrotum, serving them to willing and knowing guests at a banquet in Suginami, a residential area in western Tokyo in May, authorities say.

He now faces indecent exposure charges. Since there is no law against cannibalism in Japan, Sugiyama could not be arrested for cooking or selling his own genitals.

According to the Daily Mail, Sugiyama, 23, wrote on Twitter in early May: “I am offering my male genitals (full penis, testes, scrotum) as a meal for 100,000 yen (£800). I’m Japanese. The organs were surgically removed at age 22. I was tested to be free of venereal diseases. The organs were of normal function. I was not receiving female hormone treatment. First interested buyer will get them, or I will also consider selling to a group. Will prepare and cook as the buyer requests, at his chosen location. If you have questions, please contact me by DM or e-mail.’”

At the banquet, in front of about 70 guests, he divided his genitals and garnished them with Italian parsley and mushrooms.

Five patrons willingly paid 20,000 yen ($250) to eat the meal, News On Japan reports.

Sugiyama underwent genital-removal surgery before the age of 22, and describes himself as “asexual.”

He told the AFP his genitals “had been certified free of infections and were frozen for two months before being served up.”

Guests were still made to sign a waiver so he could not be held responsible if they became ill.

The Japan Daily Press reports that, if convicted of indecent exposure, Sugiyama could face up to two years in jail and a fine of roughly $32,000.