President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama Monday night reiterated his call for a "balanced approach" of shared sacrifice to cut the budget deficit; he also called on Congress to raise the debt ceiling immediately. REUTERS/Jason Reed

Persistent economic woes are eroding President Barack Obama's support from his base of liberal and African-American voters, according to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll.

The percentage of self-identified Democrats who said they "strongly supported" the president's job policies fell from 53 percent to 31 percent. Among African-Americans, who face a 16 percent unemployment rate compared to 9 percent for the rest of the nation, the falloff was from 77 percent to 50 percent.

Dissatisfaction at the sluggish pace of economic recovery was not just directed at Obama -- a majority of the people polled blamed former President George W. Bush for the economy, 65 percent disapproved of the GOP's handling of jobs, compared to 52 percent for the president.

"What I've realized is it doesn't matter if you're Republican or Democrat anymore," Joey Wakim, 21, a used car salesman from Allentown, Pa, told The Washington Post. "We just want somebody who's gonna get things right."

Still, Obama registered only 39 percent approval on his economic record, the lowest Obama's approval rate on the economy has been in a Post-ABC poll.