President Barack Obama concluded said Wednesday there is an impressive consensus among members of his Economic Recovery Advisory Board for getting the United States to take the lead on clean energy issues.

During a meeting at the White House today, Obama listened to experts and their perspectives on the matter and prospects for the creation of green jobs in the country.

The board highlighted the importance for the U.S. to show leadership and commitment regarding carbon emissions at climate talks to take place this December in Copenhagen. The meeting may open opportunities for international collaboration on reducing emissions and for addressing climate issues with countries such as India and China.

The 16-member board led by former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker met for the first time on what is expected to be a series of quarterly meetings.

President Obama said his administration has taken promising steps. Yesterday he announced a proposal to set a new national fuel efficiency standard by 2015. He also urged an energy committee in the House of Representatives to work to pass a new climate bill.

The Obama administration has promoted the development of clean energy technologies to reduce reliance on foreign oil and to increase jobs. He has previously said that the country that leads in clean energy will become the economic leader in the 21st century.