jamie ned outlander wedding
Ned Gowan will find Claire's wedding dress in a strange way in "Outlander" Season 1 episode 7. Find out how he gets the dress in a sneak peek video! Starz

“Outlander” Season 1 episode 7 will show the moment that fans of the books have been waiting for: Jamie and Claire’s wedding. While some TV shows make fans wait for years before the main couple even kisses, “Outlander” is marrying Jamie and Claire before the first season ends. Of course, it isn’t exactly their choice. Capt. Black Jack Randall demanded that Claire be brought back to the redcoats for questioning. Dougal told her that the only way to save her was to make her Scottish by marriage. Once she is Scottish, the redcoats cannot take her into custody without evidence. Thus, she has to marry Jamie.

In the sneak peek video fans can see that planning a last minute wedding is tough. One vital part of the wedding they need to figure out is Claire’s dress. It’s not like the men she’s traveling with just happen to have a wedding gown in their bag.

Ned Gowan stops by a brothel (perhaps being on the road collecting taxes with a dozen men and Claire makes him lonely…or do prostitutes pay taxes?), and one kind prostitute happens to have a wedding dress.

Her client was described as “long on desire, but a wee bit short on clink. He proposed a trade and I accepted.”

Of course, the woman was hoping to wear the dress herself. “Never been worn,” she says. “Was waiting for a gentleman to visit before putting it on, but I suppose it’s best I never did. No lass should wear another woman’s dress on her wedding day.”

“That’ll do nicely,” Ned smiles.

Watch the clip below via Yahoo:

Ned is the accountant for the MacKenzies. He keeps track of books and often accepts goods as payment. The wedding dress might be the prostitutes’ payment for rent and taxes.

[Watch another sneak peek with Jamie and Murtagh here.]

“Outlander” Season 1 episode 7 airs Saturday, Sept. 20 at 9 p.m. EDT on Starz. Do you think Ned was at the brothel for business or pleasure? Sound off in the comments section below!