Overwatch 2 - Zarya
Zarya uses her Particle Cannon to melt even the toughest of enemies down Overwatch 2


  • Zarya can still be knocked away when her shield is up
  • Long-ranged heroes can stay away from Zarya's effective range
  • Zenyatta is particularly useful against Zarya

Zarya is one of the most oppressive tanks as of the first season of "Overwatch 2," and unless she gets a major rework, she'll likely retain some semblance of dominance in future patches, even if her numbers get tweaked.

Even though this hero is in a decent spot in terms of win rate, she is still difficult to fight against, especially if she's being used by a good tank player who knows how to play their role well. Zarya isn't totally unkillable, and there are some ways to counter her regardless of how well she is performing.

Zarya Counter Picks

One of the most effective heroes to use against Zarya is Pharah. Not only can she knock Zarya back with her Concussive Blast, but she can also stay far away from Particle Cannon range and render the tank's main damage source useless.

All sorts of knockback effects, such as Reinhardt's charge, Orisa's Javelin Spin, Doomfist's Rocket Punch and D.Va's Thruster boop, work well against Zarya's Particle Barrier. These may not damage her much, but they can knock her out of position or throw her down a ledge for an instant kill.

Overwatch 2 - Zarya cannon
Zarya's Particle Cannon grows stronger when her barrier absorbs damage Overwatch 2

Damage-wise, a frontline Reaper supported by the team's tank and healers can overwhelm Zarya relatively easily so long as she isn't fully charged. Reaper alone can stand toe-to-toe against the tank thanks to his lifesteal passive, high damage and quick escape ability with Wraith Form.

For supports, Lucio can knock Zarya back and keep her away from his teammates. Also, Zenyatta can make for a good counter pick as his Discord Orb can help his team burn through Zarya's low-health pool.

General Tips

There should always be at least one player actively targeting the healers of the enemy team. This is usually the job of one of the DPS heroes, preferably someone like Genji, Hanzo, or Widowmaker.

Do not shoot Zarya's bubbles. It will only make her stronger. Particle Barrier lasts 2.5 seconds, and charges replenish every 10 seconds. Use this opportunity to target backline enemies.

Check if Zarya is glowing or not. This tells if she is charged up or not. The thickness of her laser also indicates her charge level, but by the time players notice it, it's already too late.

Overwatch 2 - Graviton Surge 2
Zarya's Graviton Surge can tied up an entire team if used properly Overwatch 2