U.S. Congress
The votes on the debt ceiling deal that passed Congress Wednesday will likely have repercussions for the individual senators and representatives. REUTERS

Thousands of city dogs will have to make one more trip to the mail slot for New Yorkers, who will now be getting POLITICO in Manhattan.

The popular Washington, D.C., political publication announced Tuesday that it would start distributing copies to 4,000 business leaders affected by the daily debate in Washington, a move that comes five years after the paper launched. The news was broken by the POLITICO's Morning Money online column.

POLITICO released a statement about the move:

'Since our launch in 2007, we have worked tirelessly to become one of the fastest-growing and most-respected political news organizations in the country,' said Fred Ryan, CEO of POLITICO. 'So it's only fitting that we celebrate this milestone by expanding our reach to New York's most influential leaders.' In addition to the new reach in print, POLITICO has a strong following online by the Wall Street community, with economic and financial coverage led by award-winning financial reporter Ben White. White also authors the daily tip-sheet, Morning Money, which is emailed to nearly 20,000 industry professionals.

The added distribution, which targets financial institutions, national media outlets and top companies, brings POLITICO's distribution to more than 37,000 copies.