Prince Andrew, Sarah Ferguson, Princess Beatrice
Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson are in good terms with each other despite their divorce. Pictured: The Yorks leave Windsor Castle after their wedding for an evening reception at Royal Lodge on October 12, 2018 in Windsor, England. Getty Images/Ben Birchall-WPA Pool

Prince Andrew may have just ignored Sarah Ferguson’s statement about their relationship.

The son of Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II paid tribute to the heroes from the First World War without the Duchess of York on Saturday. She sat in the Royal Box at the Royal Albert Hall with the other members of the British clan. Prince Andrew’s appearance at the Remembrance Day service was his first since Princess Eugenie’s royal wedding on Oct. 12.

Royal fans were hopeful that Ferguson will be invited to the gathering after she reunited with the royal family at her daughter’s wedding last month. On Friday, the Duchess of York also gave out a thoughtful interview to Daily Mail about her relationship with her ex-husband after their divorce.

When the interviewer asked Ferguson if she tells Prince Andrew that she loves him, she said that they both say it to each other.

“We are completely compatible. Our bywords are communication, compromise, and compassion. July 23, 1986, was the happiest day of my life. Andrew is the best man I know. What he does for Britain is incredible; no one knows how hard he works for his country. My duty is to him, I am so proud of him. I stand by him and always will. The way we are is our fairytale,” she said.

“Although we are not a couple, we really believe in each other. The Yorks are a united family. We’ve shown it. You saw it at the wedding. We stand up for each other, we fight for each other. We’re totally respectful of each other’s position and thoughts and we listen to each other. Our children listen to us, too. And we sit around the table and have afternoon tea together. It’s a very important part of our lives,” she added.

Ferguson said that she and Prince Andrew have no plans to get married anytime soon because they are happy with their lives at the moment.