At a Qualcomm investor’s conference on Thursday, CEO Paul Jacobs unveiled the first smartbook on the market, made by Lenovo and sold by AT&T, using a Qualcomm chip.

The smartbook is more than a smartphone, but less than a netbook, according to Dow Jones. Jacobs didn’t provide many more details, only said it will be officially unveiled at January’s Consumer Electronics (CES) Show in Las Vegas.

The device is slimmer than most smart phones and has a full-size screen and keyboard.

The new smartbook - which does not yet have a name - will be powered by a Qualcomm chipset platform called Snapdragon. It also comes with a built-in third-generation mobile broadband that will link to carrier AT&T's network.

The price of the product was not revealed.

Qualcomm said it has high hopes that its Snapdragon chip, which is already a smartphone staple, will go on to become an essential part of all other smartbooks that are to come.