Qylatron World Cup
The Qylatron may replace traditional x-ray scans and bag searches in the near future. Qylur Security Systems

Airport and public venue bag searches may soon be a thing of the past thanks to the Qylatron Entry Experience Solution, a machine that promises to speed up and automate security screening.

The Qylatron is a machine that uses five pods surrounding a central sensor that scans personal items such as handbags and backpacks as people move through metal detectors and other scanners. Palo Alto, California-based Qylur Security Services, the company behind Qylatron, claims that it has the potential to reduce the real estate used by five-lane X-ray security checkpoints from 2,500 square feet to a mere 450 square feet with Qylatron.

To use the Qylatron, venue attendees just have to scan their ticket, place their bag into the machine and proceed to the other side. The Qylatron scans bags so quickly that by the time one walks to the other side, the scanning process is complete. While Qylur Security Services didn’t detail many specifics on the machine, Wired noted that the Qylatron contains chemical and radiation sensors to detect explosives. The Qylatron combines multi-view X-ray technology scans with a detection engine that can be readily updated, making the scanning process for prohibited items fast and automated. If a banned item is detected, the Qylatron can notify security staff while also turning the door red. If a scanned bag is clean, the door turns green and attendees just have to scan their ticket again to get their bag from the Qylatron.

The Qylatron has already seen successful trials at the 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena de Baixada stadium in Curitiba, Brazil, and hopes to expand its use to more public venues and airports in the near future.

“We heard from dozens of soccer fans at the World Cup about how much fun they had personally interacting with the Qylatron. This is especially gratifying as it validates the core principle of why I founded Qylur -- to preserve human liberty while offering the most advanced security-screening technology in the industry," Lisa Dolev, CEO and founder of Qylur said.