Dunn passed away in a tragic car crash
Dunn passed away in a tragic car crash krowm.com

Jackass star Ryan Dunn died at approximately 3.a.m. on June 20 in West Goshen, Pennsylvania, after his 2007 Porshe 911 GT3 skidded off the road, hit a tree and burst into flames. He and his co-passenger Zachary Hartwell were pronounced dead at the scene from blunt and thermal trauma.

Preliminary police reports indicated that speed might have played a role. It was also suspected that Dunn was drunk because he had tweeted photos of himself drinking just hours before he took the wheel.

A toxicology report on Wednesday showed Dunn had drunk enough to get his blood alcohol level more than twice the legal limit when he died in a car crash while returning from a bar.

The daredevil, whose death has kicked up unseemly controversies, had an alcohol level of 0.196, almost 2.5 times the legal limit of 0.08 set for drivers in Pennsylvania.

However, the coroner did not find any evidence for Dunn using drugs of abuse like heroin, pot or cocaine. The coroner is yet to get results of tests done to identify prescription drug use, according to the report of the West Goshen Township police.

Police reported that Dunn's vehicle was also travelling well over 100mph in a 55 mph zone when he died. Dunn's car collided with a guardrail at high speed, crashed in the woods and burst into flames.

Shortly after Dunn's death, controversy erupted when film critic Roger Ebert tweeted Friends don't let jackasses drink and drive. This remark set off a one-day long cyber war between Ebert and Dunn's bereaved friends. Ebert has since apologized for any pain he caused but stood by his stance against drunk driving.

Now, there is another controversy. Members of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church plan to protest Dunn's public funeral.

The WBC is an independent Baptist church known for its extreme stance against homosexuality and its protest activities include picketing funerals and desecrating the American flag. The group has been denounced as radical by many Christian organizations.

In Dunn's case, Westboro is protesting to warn the world not to make a mock of sin, and to fear and obey God.

Dunn was famous for his willingness to be harmed for the sake of entertainment and fun. He starred in three TV shows - Jackass, Viva la Bam, and Homewrecker, all of which showcased his penchant for peril.

READ: Ryan Dunn Death: Jackass star cheated death once but not second time
READ: Ryan Dunn Dead: Westboro says Jackass star in eternal torment, but did he deserve to die?