Scary Demon Face Behind Sofa
It is the terrifying picture scaring internet users in their thousands.What at first appears to be an innocent picture of a front room masks the spine tingling face of a hidden demon. Unknown

It is the terrifying picture scaring Internet users in their thousands.

What at first appears to be an innocent picture of a front room masks the spine tingling face of a hidden demon. And now the 'demon behind the sofa' has gone viral, with Facebook and Twitter users sharing the picture in their thousands.

The image has already divided viewers, with people split into those who can and those who cannot see the demonic face.

Once you spot the demon however, it is impossible to erase the image from your mind, with Twitter user @callme_VIANNY writing: This soooo scary I was about to cry !!

Tell me if you see the face !

While some have speculated the image may have been Photoshoped, others are not so sure and prefer to rely on a more supernatural explanation.

For those still struggling to spot the demon face, look near the bottom left hand corner under the brown cushion.