Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos
Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos is reportedly under federal investigation for his ties to New York state's real estate industry, and his external sources of income are also under scrutiny. Beawiharta/Reuters

Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos of Long Island said this afternoon there will be no action on a same sex marriage bill today.

Skelos emerged from a closed door meeting on the second floor of the Capitol saying the governor understood the exemptions sought by undecided Republican legislators who fear lawsuits by religious institutions without them.

This has been a very complicated year in terms of the issues that we've addressed and I've found the governor from the very beginning starting with the budget process has always had an open ear and is flexible in terms of the suggestions I give or the speaker gives, Skelos said.

The senate will not meet on Sunday, Skelos said. Lawmakers return to the Capitol Monday for their normally scheduled session.

Governor Cuomo will call special sessions to be called in order to extend rent control for New York City on a long term basis.

Rent control laws went away Wednesday night, a new bill is expected to temporarily extend the laws through the weekend.

There are discussions going and we understand the needs of the speaker a bit better, the different parts of the real-estate industry and we're just going to pull these parts together, Skelos said.