Slime Rancher 2 - cotton slime
Cotton Slimes in the wilderness of Rainbow Island in Slime Rancher 2 Monomi Park


  • Tabby Slimes tend to have the best plort prices compared to others in the first area
  • Hybrid slimes can be made by feeding normal slimes different plorts
  • Prioritize unlocking the Resource Harvester first

There are plenty of things to do, places to explore and slimes to wrangle in "Slime Rancher 2," so much so that it may be overwhelming for first-time players.

The goal of the game is simple: start a ranch, take care of slimes and make money off of the plorts they drop after eating. Then, use the money to make the ranch bigger and make even more profit.

This isn't exactly a complicated game, but as with most other things, the first day is always the hardest. Here's how to get started.

Collect Plorts in the Wild

As tempting as it may be to immediately start corralling pink slimes around the ranch, the plorts they drop are worth very little. They do have their uses, but money-making isn't one of them.

To earn enough money on the first day of a new ranch, players will want to venture out into the wilderness immediately and simply collect plorts from the wild slimes there. Those dropped by Tabby Slimes in the northwest tend to sell for the best prices.

Slime Rancher 2 - ranch
Build a self-sustaining ranch full of adorable blobs in Slime Rancher 2 Monomi Park

Don't ignore the Cotton and Phosphor Plorts, though, as they are required for some research blueprints.

Breed Largo Slimes

Use the money earned from plorts to build corrals with high walls then secure a few Tabby or Cotton Slimes. Place them in the pen, and then feed them each other's plorts to turn them into large, cat-rabbit hybrid slimes.

Largo slimes are made by feeding normal slimes with various plorts. This will make them bigger, and the new slime will adopt the attributes of both slime types. This includes their visual appearance and diet. They will also drop two plorts instead of one after eating.

Unlock the Resource Harvester

Tech upgrades require more than just plorts and money. Before unlocking the other map areas, players should work on getting the Resource Harvester first. It will let the Vac suck up materials like Jellystones and Deep Brine, both of which are used to make other tech items like character upgrades, turrets and waystations.

The harvester can be unlocked by depositing 10 Cotton Plorts into the Refinery and having at least 450 Newbucks.

Slime Rancher 2 - more slimes
A wide variety of slimes can be found across the different biomes in Rainbow Island Monomi Park