South Australians trying to quit smoking will get free SMS messages supporting their effort from Quit onQ if they want to.

Quit SA launched the SMS service Wednesday with South Australia as the pilot test site for the next 12 months. Subscribers to the SMS service will get free texts messages providing support and guidance for quitters.

Focused on young smokers, Quit SA Manager David Edwards told that Quit onQ will be helpful during the early stages of smoking.

Quit onQ will send free text messages to them on a daily basis that are designed to help encourage and support them with quitting, Edwards said. Wherever people have their mobile phone they can receive information they need to help with quitting.

Quit onQ subscribers can set the number of SMS they want to receive daily.

Edwards said Quit onQ was successful in helping people particularly during the first weeks and months of quitting smoking.

Subscribers can register with Quit onQ via Quitline 13 78 48. They may also go to