Teacher Elizabeth Moguel poses for a photograph with her seventh grade Latin class at Boston Latin School in Boston, Massachusetts, Sept. 17, 2015. Reuters

The Teacher Appreciation Week takes place the first full week of May, with the National Teacher Appreciation Day celebrated on May 9 this year. During this week, dozens of retailers and restaurants nationwide give away free items or are offering big discounts on their products to appreciate the contribution of teachers in everyone's lives.

Read: List Of Stores, Restaurants With Discounts On May 9

Below are some quotes on teachers and the art of teaching from Brainy Quotes and Good Reads:

1. “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” ― William Arthur Ward

2. “Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.” ― Aristotle

3. “They inspire you, they entertain you, and you end up learning a ton even when you don't know it” ― Nicholas Sparks, Dear John

4. “When you study great teachers... you will learn much more from their caring and hard work than from their style.” ― William Glasser

5. “Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual. If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honor for me.” ― A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

6. “Of all the hard jobs around, one of the hardest is being a good teacher.” ― Maggie Gallagher

7. “I am not a teacher, but an awakener.” ― Robert Frost

8. “Let us remember: one book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.” ― Malala Yousafzai

9. “The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.” ― Mark Van Doren

10. “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” ― Albert Einstein

11. “Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach.” ― Aristotle

12. “When I go to bed at night, I ask God to give me another day; I ask him to keep me strong and make me a good teacher and to keep spreading this right word.” ― Richard Simmons

13. “The great teacher is not the man who supplies the most facts, but the one in whose presence we become different people.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

14. “The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.” ― Kahlil Gibran

15. “There are two kinds of teachers: the kind that fill you with so much quail shot that you can’t move, and the kind that just gives you a little prod behind and you jump to the skies.” ― Robert Frost

16. “Who dares to teach must never cease to learn.” ― John Cotton Dana

17. “No man can be a good teacher unless he has feelings of warm affection toward his pupils and a genuine desire to impart to them what he believes to be of value.” ― Bertrand Russell