About 5,100 children under the age of 5, hurt themselves falling from windows each year in U.S, a new research published in the medical journal Pediatrics shows.

The study shows around 100,000 children were treated in hospital emergency rooms from 1990 to 2008 for injuries ranging from cuts and bruises to fatal head caused by falls from windows.

Over 19 years, researchers found that the rate has dropped slightly.

“It really is nothing to take comfort in, said Dr. Gary Smith, who heads the Center for Injury Research and Policy at the Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

Though simple window safety measures could prevent the accidents, We continue to see this problem, especially in younger kids, despite the fact that we know how to prevent it, added Smith.

The risk of being injured from falling off the widow is not limited to high-rise apartment buildings. Falls from first or second floor windows account for 94 percent of the falls.

Most of the falls happen from second floor.

We need to look beyond the major cities, Smith said. Most children don't live in high-rise apartments, they live in homes.

Dr Smith advised the parents to take precautions to make sure children don’t fall out of windows. The biggest mistake parents make is to assume that a window with a screen is enough to prevent a child from falling.

Falls can be prevented by reducing access to a window, for instance by removing furniture that the kids can climb to get there.

Windows with guards or stops can prevent such accidents, some cities have already mandated. In New York, for instance, the Health Code requires apartment buildings to install guards on all windows in households with kids under 11.