Angela Rye
Find out more about CNN political adviser Angela Rye. Getty

Angela Rye may just be the Beyoncé of CNN after making headlines for quoting the superstar entertainer during a debate with Donald Trump’s former campaign manager and CNN contributor Corey Lewandowski. Rye recently pulled out a classic line from Queen Bey’s anthem, “Sorry,” and totally shut down Lewandowski’s attempts to slam President Barak Obama when she interrupted him by saying, “In this moment, I'm going to Beyoncé you: 'Boy bye.'”

She continued: “You are so out of line right now. Tell your candidate to release his tax returns. Two words: Tax return.”

Her use of Beyoncé vernacular comes just days after Rye was seen rolling her eyes on “CNN Tonight” during a debate with Trump supporter Kayleigh McEnany regarding the Republican presidential nominee's career.

However, there’s a lot more to the Seattle native than just her Beyoncé-inspired commentary. Find out more facts about Rye in the list below:

1. She graduated from University of Washington and Seattle University School of Law.

2. She is a CNN political commentator and NPR political analyst. However, her list of titles doesn’t stop there. She has also served as a politico advocate and lawyer for several other publications and media outlets including Marie Claire, Ebony, Washington Post, BET, C-Span, HBO, The Root, The Grio, MSNBC and many more.

3. She serves on the boards of the Congressional Black Caucus Institute, Congressional Black Caucus Political Action Committee, Seattle University School of Law Alumni, Women in Entertainment Empowerment Network and serves as a senior advisor to the Government Technology and Services Coalition. She is also the member of several high-profile affiliations including The Links, Incorporated, National Bar Association, American Bar Association and the Washington Government Relations Group.

4. She created her own nonprofit youth empowerment group, IMPACT, which is an organization that helps and guides young professionals through economic empowerment, civic engagement and political involvement.

5. Her outspoken candor doesn’t end with her many television appearances; Twitter users have felt Rye’s bite, too. She’s often used the social media platform as an outlet to express her disdain against Trump and others, and she hasn’t been shy or coy in her responses to naysayers and Twitter trolls.

6. She’s an advocate for the Black Lives Matter movement and has become very influential in the fight against social injustices faced in the Black community. Through her political commentary and IMPACT group, she’s managed to spark a dialogue regarding the work and ethics of the Black Lives Matter movement while also encouraging others to get involved.