Newt Gingrich
Who is Saul Alinsky? Just ask Newt Gingrich. Reuters

There are only ten days left for Iowa - the first GOP caucus state to go to polls - and there are still no signs of a clear Republican frontrunner. Furthermore, given an erratic approval graph, the best chance for President Obama and his hopes of a re-election will have to be a weak Republican candidate. Keeping that in mind, the Democrats and Obama will be happy to face former U.S. Speaker Newt Gingrich rather than the former Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney.

According to latest USA Today/ Gallup polls, Gingrich is leading the Republican race with 25 percent closely followed by Mitt Romney at 23 percent and Ron Paul with 12 percent. . However, although ahead for the moment, Gingrich is losing ground to his rivals.

Meanwhile, although Obama had earlier said he didn't mind who his rival was going to be, as he thought they were all similar, he would probably prefer squaring off against Gingrich... for simple reasons.

Although Gingrich leads Romney, he does badly when it comes to a face-off with Obama. The CNN/Opinion Research polls give 56 percent to Obama and just 40 percent to Gingrich in a head-to-head battle, while the latest from ABC News/Wash Post polls put Obama ahead of Gingrich, who is on 43 percent, by 8 points.

Romney, on the other hand, is just 7 points behind Obama, according to a CNN/Opinion Research poll and ties with Obama at 47 percent according to an ABC News/Wash Post poll. In fact, both polls show Ron Paul as faring better against Obama.

The President's job approvals are still running negative, with 49 percent disapproval and 43 percent approval (USA Today / Gallup Polls). Job cuts are going to be a key issue for the 2012 U.S. presidential election. From that perspective then, it should be easier for Obama to fight Gingrich, who doesn't have a record of high job creations in his career as House Speaker and Consultant, compared to Mitt Romney.

Newt Gingrich, according to his Web site, is pro-war and strongly advocates U.S. intervention in global conflicts by sending troops to protect American interests. Mitt Romney, according to his Web site, vouches for strengthening American defenses but considers war a secondary option, preferring reconciliation. Logically then, given increasing concerns among Democrats and moderate and liberal Republicans over spending money and manpower on war and other global issues, it would be beneficial to have an extremist Gingrich as his rival, rather than a moderate Mitt Romney.

Furthermore, Romney has a better record when it comes to character, morality and ethics, at least compared to Gingrich, who has something of a past.

Although the latter projects himself as a hardcore conservative Republican, his history of three marriages speaks against that stance. He also had to resign from his post as Speaker on ethical grounds, all in all providing ample fodder for Obama and his party.

Finally, Gingrich is known for his outspoken nature, which has landed him in trouble in the past. Unlike Romney, who is more cautious on current issues and takes a safer stand, Gingrich often jumps at issues with provocative statements.