Ever since Paula Abdul and Nicole Scherzinger left X-Factor, rumors have been flying about which female artists would replace them. The latest candidates are Britney Spears and Fergie, though Simon Cowell has remained vague about who he really is considering for the job. However, Cowell amd L.A Reid did share that there will be two female judges on the next season, according to MTV.

There's a load of speculation, some true, some not true. It's true to say that a lot more people have entered the frame this year. We were waiting to see who was going to contact us before we actually contacted people, Cowell told reporters on Wednesday. We're in that place right now, which is a good place to be in. We will meet a number of people over the next few weeks, mainly to explain to them that this is a big commitment when you do a show like this because of the mentoring aspect.

As producers and insiders of the show have remained tight lipped about developments, viewers have had to resort to several rumors, from Whitney Houston before she died, to Janet Jackson.