Warning: Video content may be disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.

The Guardian published a video on July 8 of hip-hop artist and actor Yasiin Bey, also known as Mos Def, demonstrating the force-feeding procedures being used at Guantanamo Bay. The footage was released to commemorate the start of Ramadan, a month of fasting for Muslims worldwide, and to shed light on the conditions faced by detainees at the controversial prison facility. According to the video, 120 detainees are currently undergoing a hunger strike at Guatanamo, with 44 being force-fed.

Bey volunteered to participate in the video, recorded in a controlled studio in London by human rights organization Reprieve and BAFTA Award-winning director Asif Kapadia. The filmmakers used instructions from a leaked document that details military instructions and standard operating procedure for force-feeding detainees.

After Bey yells for the procedure to stop, he gives his account of the experience, describing a "burning" feeling that became "unbearable." According to the video, "In Guantanamo Bay, the full procedure is carried out twice a day. Typically, it takes two hours to complete."

Watch the video above. Let us know what you think in the comments.