The coronavirus pandemic has forced billions of people across the world to hunker down at home to keep themselves safe from infection. In the United States, hundreds of thousands of Americans found themselves unemployed and struggling to make ends meet.

The pandemic was not the only thing that dominated 2020. The year also began with countless wildfires raging in Australia and across California while Americans took to the streets to protest police brutality.

It has been an incredibly tough 2020, but as the new year approaches, it may be time for us to reflect on some wins and silver linings amid all the gloom this year.

If you’re looking for some feel-good stories to uplift your mood and give you inspiration for 2021, we've rounded up some of the biggest good news of 2020. Many of these brought us joy and hope and proved that amidst the darkness and the hardship, the world could unite as one and weather the storm.

From researchers finally delivering a safe and effective vaccine against the novel coronavirus to governments enacting sweeping changes to promote inclusion and diversity, here are the most inspiring stories of 2020.