• Protein plays a crucial role in rebuilding and repairing muscles post-workout
  • For this reason, people have been drinking protein shakes post-workout
  • But a new study warns that this could have serious long-term health consequences

Many people grab a protein shake post-workout believing that protein plays a vital role in repairing and rebuilding muscles after exercise. Unfortunately, these amino acids might have some ugly long-term effects, warns a new study.

Experts at the University of Sydney found that an overload of a type of protein could decrease a person’s lifespan alongside causing weight gain and affecting their mood.

While high consumption of amino acids can offer great benefits for building muscles in the short term, the researchers found that it could result in future health issues. Branch-chain amino acids (BCAAs) that are believed to offer muscle-building benefits, might lead to weight gain, harm the mood, and reduce a person’s lifespan if consumed in excess.

What are BCAAs?

Branched-chain amino acids are a group of three different essential amino acids namely- leucine, isoleucine, and valine that helps improve muscle mass. Although these amino acids aren’t made in the body, they still constitute more than a third of the protein found in human muscle tissues.

The Study:

The researchers used instruments at the university’s core research facility to examine the impacts of dietary BCAAs and other essential amino acids had on the health and body composition on mice models.

Their findings revealed that BCAAs supplementation resulted in elevated levels of BCAAs in the blood which competed with the amino acid tryptophan for transport into the brain.

“Tryptophan is the sole precursor for the hormone serotonin, which is often called the ‘happiness chemical’ for its mood-enhancing effects and its role in promoting sleep…but serotonin does more than this, and therein lay the problem,” the lead researcher and Environmental Sciences Professor Stephen Simpson from the School of Life, and Academic Director of the Charles Perkins Centre told The Ladders.

And the increased competition for transportation to the brain resulted in a reduction in serotonin levels and lead to an increased appetite.

The serotonin reduction caused by excess dietary intake of BCAAs influenced massive overeating in mice which became hugely obese and lived shorter.

The mice included in the study were divided into 4 groups:

  • Group 1- was fed double the normal amount of BCAAs
  • Group 2- was fed the standard amount of BCAAs
  • Group 3- was fed half the standard amount of BCAAs
  • Group 4- was fed one fifth the normal amount of BCAAs

The findings revealed that the mice that were fed double the normal amount ended up consuming a lot of food, got obese, and died earlier.

The findings highlight the importance of amino acid balance and that it is best to vary the sources of protein to ensure that you’re getting the best amino acid balance. The researchers recommend consuming a wide-range of proteins instead of grabbing a protein shake or protein bar after a workout session. Varying protein sources can offer a variety of essential amino acids via healthy foods that are enriched with fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

They recommend consuming protein-rich foods that contain BCAAs including red meat, fish, chicken, dairy, eggs, beans, soy, nuts, and lentils.

protein drink
Stop drinking that protein shake after workout, researchers warn mohamed_hassan, Pixabay