The Creation Museum set up a new exhibit displaying an incredibly well-preserved Allosaurus skeleton. The specimen is valued at $1 million and the museum says the fossil, nicknamed Ebenezer, proves the existence of Noah’s Flood approximately 4,300 years ago.

Allosaurus fragilis was a North American predator from the Late Jurassic age, approximately 150 million years ago, according to the Natural History Museum of Utah. The Creation Museum has a different date for the skeleton, pegging Ebenezer’s age at around 4,300 years old and the exhibit has been placed in the “Flood Geology” section of the museum.

According to the Creation Museum’s press release, the Allosaurus skeleton is approximately 30-feet-long and 10-feet-high and has a near-complete skull, including 53 teeth, and contains nearly 50 percent of its fossilized bones.

Ken Ham, president of the Creation Museum, said in a statement, “For decades I’ve walked through many leading secular museums, like the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C., and have seen their impressive dinosaur skeletons. But they were used for evolution. Now we have one of that class, and it will help us defend the book of Genesis and expose the scientific problems with evolution.”

The allosaurus skeleton will be used by the Creation Museum to prove the existence of a worldwide, catastrophic flood and proof of the story of Noah. According to Andrew Snelling, Answers in Genesis and Creation Museum geologist, the allosaur skeleton was unearthed in the northwestern-Colorado section of the Morrison Formation. The rock outcrop is renowned for the amount of Late Jurassic fossils that have been discovered in the area and Morrison Formation includes the Dinosaur National Monument, notes the National Park Service. Snelling says Ebenezer probably died as it was trying to escape the flooding but was soon swept away and buried by debris and sediment. Snelling plans on performing CT scans of the skeleton at a later date.