Cute Animals Encourage You To 'Spring Forward' This Weekend [PHOTOS]
Daylight saving time starts this weekend, so be sure to “spring forward” one hour at 2 a.m. on Sunday! Here are some pictures of animals to bear you into this temporally significant weekend.
A mouse on a clock, like the one above, may make you think of the classic nursery rhyme “Hickory Dickory Dock.”
This cat and this hedgehog would like to remind you that daylight saving time was formally adopted in the U.S. in 1918, with the Standard Time Act. However, there was no federal regulation making sure that states started observing DST on the same dates until 1966, with the Uniform Time Act.
Some U.S. states and territories do not observe DST: Arizona, Hawaii, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
They’ll probably find themselves sleeping a bit more easily than the rest of us ...
... Who’ll be yawning a little bit for the rest of the week.
But we can at least take comfort that now the days will be sunnier.
In fact, there are some U.S. lawmakers who would like to let even more sunshine in and make daylight saving time last all year. There are some studies that show it could cut down on traffic accidents and crime, and, of course, improve quality of life.
Happy daylight saving time!
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