Tens of thousands of Colombians took to the streets of the capital Bogota on Thursday amid a general strike to protest the policies of President Ivan Duque's right-wing government.

There were no reported outbreaks of major violence as trade unions, students, opposition parties and the South American country's indigenous organizations challenged the full gamut of Duque's economic, social and security policies.

A protester taking part in a general strike against the policies of President Ivan Duque's right-wing government in Bogota
A protester taking part in a general strike against the policies of President Ivan Duque's right-wing government in Bogota AFP / JUAN BARRETO

"It is an accumulation of situations that we hope to see reviewed after today, including a great national dialogue of conciliation," Robert Gomez, president of the main workers' union, told AFP.

The protest comes amid social upheaval across South America, as a wave of unrest over the past two months has battered governments in Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador.

Riot police fire tear gas to disperse demonstrators in Bogota during a nationwide strike
Riot police fire tear gas to disperse demonstrators in Bogota during a nationwide strike AFP / JUAN BARRETO

The popularity of Duque's right-wing government -- a key US ally -- has been on the wane since his election 18 months ago, as it deals with hosting 1.4 million refugees from neighboring Venezuela's economic meltdown as well as the complex fallout of a 2016 peace deal with FARC rebels and rampant drug trafficking.

People march in Bogota during a nationwide strike
People march in Bogota during a nationwide strike AFP / RAUL ARBOLEDA

Troops were deployed in the capital and other cities to protect "strategic facilities," authorities said.

The Colombian office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights voiced concern over the deployment, saying states must limit the use of military forces "for the control of internal disturbances."

People demonstrate under pouring rain at Bolivar square in Bogota during a general strike to protest government policies
People demonstrate under pouring rain at Bolivar square in Bogota during a general strike to protest government policies AFP / RAUL ARBOLEDA

Authorities said the protests were largely peaceful, though riot police fired tear gas to break up groups of demonstrators in isolated clashes in Bogota and the western city of Cali. Blocked roads in some areas snarled transportation.

The general strike was widely followed in Bogota, and other big cities like Bucaramanga in the northeast and Medellin in the northwest.

Demonstrators clash with riot police in Bogota during anti-government protests
Demonstrators clash with riot police in Bogota during anti-government protests AFP / JUAN BARRETO

Several separate marches converged on Bolivar Square, the historic center of the capital close to the presidency.

"We are marching because in Colombia we are tired of corruption, of impunity, that the government does nothing for the poor," Olga Canon, 55, told AFP.

Organizations that participated in the strike take issue with Duque's security policy as well as attempts to introduce a more flexible labor market, weaken public pension funds and raise the retirement age.

Students are demanding more funding for education, while indigenous communities insist on greater protection in remote areas where 134 activists have been killed since Duque came to power in August 2018.

"We are very afraid to march in the streets but we do it anyway because the state is spreading so much fear with its militarization and by closing the borders," political science student Valentina Gaitan, 21, told AFP.

Duque admitted some of the criticisms were legitimate in a televised speech on the eve of the strike, but said the campaign against his government was based on lies seeking to provoke violence.

"We recognize the value of peaceful protests, but also guarantee order," he said.

The borders with Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela were closed until Friday to avoid any threat to "public order and security," authorities said.

Political analyst Jason Marczak said the outrage against the government, the target of several demonstrations in recent months, is part of a "considerable demonstration of discontent in the region."

"The unsatisfied claims and deep polarization are the basis for this massive event," said Marczak, of the Washington-based Atlantic Council.