International Sloth Day is marked every year Oct. 20 to celebrate the slow-moving mammals. This day can be observed by attending special presentations held at several zoos and donating money to a wildlife organization working to protect the endangered pygmy sloth.

Here are some facts about sloths to know and share:

1. The two major types of sloths are the two-toed and three-toed sloths.

2. These mammals are native to South and Central America.

3. Sloths have coarse thick fur and algae and fungus grow on them.

4. Sloths sleep up to 20 hours every day.

5. They love being alone and don't spend much time around other sloths.

6. They are great swimmers and can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes underwater.

7. Their stomach is divided into four compartments

8. They take up to a month to digest food.

9. Sloths excrete once a week.

10. Sloth's closest relatives are the armadillo and the anteater.

A baby sloth rests over a stuffed plush sloth
A baby sloth rests over a stuffed plush sloth Reuters