Muslim pilgrims converged Thursday on Saudi Arabia's Mount Arafat for the climax of this year's hajj, the smallest in modern times and a sharp contrast to the massive crowds of previous years.

A tight security cordon has been erected all around the foot of the rocky hill outside Mecca, also known as Jabal al-Rahma or Mount of Mercy.

A Saudi workman adjusts the new kiswa, the gold-embroidered black cloth covering the Kaaba, that is changed during each year's hajj
A Saudi workman adjusts the new kiswa, the gold-embroidered black cloth covering the Kaaba, that is changed during each year's hajj Saudi Ministry of Media / -

Pilgrims, donning masks and observing social distancing, were brought in buses from neighbouring Mina, state television showed, as Saudi authorities impose measures to prevent a coronavirus outbreak.

They were subject to temperature checks and attended a sermon -- which state media said was translated into 10 languages -- before they set off on the climb to the summit for hours of Koran recitals and prayers to atone for their sins.

Saudi Arabia has faced strong criticism over its handling of safety during previous years pilgrimages, but this year's hajj is expected to be one of the safest because of the greatly reduced numbers taking part
Saudi Arabia has faced strong criticism over its handling of safety during previous years pilgrimages, but this year's hajj is expected to be one of the safest because of the greatly reduced numbers taking part AFP / -

The scene was strikingly different to last year's ritual when a sea of pilgrims ascended Mount Arafat, marshalled by tens of thousands of stewards in a bid to prevent any crushes.

After sunset prayers, pilgrims will make their way down Mount Arafat to Muzdalifah, another holy site where they will sleep under the stars to prepare for the final stage of hajj, the symbolic "stoning of the devil".

The Kaaba, the cube-shaped structure at the heart of Mecca's Grand Mosque, is the spot towards which Muslims around the world pray
The Kaaba, the cube-shaped structure at the heart of Mecca's Grand Mosque, is the spot towards which Muslims around the world pray Saudi Ministry of Media / -

It takes place on Friday and also marks the beginning of Eid al-Adha, the festival of sacrifice.

The hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam and a must for able-bodied Muslims at least once in their lifetime, is usually one of the world's largest religious gatherings.

A first trickle of pilgrims arrives at Mount Arafat outside Mecca for a day of Koran recitals and prayers to atone for their sins that is the climax of the hajj
A first trickle of pilgrims arrives at Mount Arafat outside Mecca for a day of Koran recitals and prayers to atone for their sins that is the climax of the hajj SPA / -

But only up to 10,000 people already residing in the kingdom will participate in this year's ritual, compared with 2019's gathering of some 2.5 million from around the world.

"You are not our guests but those of God, the custodian of the two holy mosques (Saudi Arabia's King Salman) and the nation," Hajj Minister Mohammad Benten said in a video released by the media ministry on Wednesday.

Only a handful of pilgrims were in Mecca's Grand Mosque for the changing of the kiswa at this year's sharply scaled back hajj
Only a handful of pilgrims were in Mecca's Grand Mosque for the changing of the kiswa at this year's sharply scaled back hajj AFP / -

A security cordon has been thrown around the holy sites to prevent any security breaches, an interior ministry spokesman said.

Riyadh faced strong criticism in 2015 when some 2,300 worshippers were killed in the deadliest stampede in the gathering's history.

But this year, those risks are greatly reduced by the much smaller crowd.

The pilgrims have all been tested for the virus, and foreign journalists were barred from this year's hajj, usually a huge global media event.

As part of the rites completed over five days in the holy city of Mecca and its surroundings, the pilgrims converged on Mount Arafat after spending the night in Mina.

A district of Mecca, Mina sits in a narrow valley surrounded by rocky mountains, and is transformed each year into a vast encampment for pilgrims.

They began the hajj on Wednesday with their first "tawaf", the circumambulation of the Kaaba, a large structure in Mecca's Grand Mosque towards which Muslims around the world pray.

The Kaaba is draped in a black cloth embroidered in gold with Koranic verses and known as the kiswa, which is changed each year during the pilgrimage.

Pilgrims were brought inside the mosque in small batches, walking along paths marked on the floor, in sharp contrast to the normal sea of humanity that swirls around the Kaaba during hajj.