In a year populated by Olympics, an election, and pop culture fame galore, it was the American commander in chief who took Twitter's top honor: the Golden Tweet.

All Obama had to blast out was three words followed by an image of a tender embrace between him and his wife Michelle Obama.

"Four more years," the president bellowed out the night of his reelection.

While Obama wrote the words, it was how many followers disseminated them that won the president Twitter's top honor.

To be more precise, Obama's terse statement on Nov. 6 garnered over 810,000 retweets and 300,000+ favorites.

Twitter's end-of-the-year contenders couldn't touch the commander in chief that night. Justin Bieber's heartfelt photo with now-deceased fan, six-year-old Avalanna Routh, accompanied by the message "RIP Avalanna. i love you," gained over 220,000 retweets and 100,000+ favorites.

Farther down the list, Japanese actor Kouichi Yamadera's marriage announcement to fellow actress Rie Tanaka received 68,000 retweets, while Green Bay Packers offensive lineman TJ Lang took in almost 100,000 retweets from his not-so-couth comments towards the NFL replacement referees.

Twitter also categorized the most used hashtags. In countries, that list was dominated by "#syria," while "#nowplaying" was the most utilized conversation starter and "family guy" was the most talked about TV show.

The social media site also released a fascinating smattering of analytics. For instance, as news agencies tallied election results on November 6, Twitter hit a peak of 327,452 tweets per minute. During the Super Bowl, 13.7 million game-related tweets were blasted out. During Whitney Houston's benefit concert, two million tweets were sent regarding the tribute.